Waiting for launching on 1st October 2008. Even ni pojek group h.o.d sendiri together with taufiq,zam n muni, aku involve gak scra x langsung. Kalu aku x involve pon, nama aku ttp diinvolvekan jugak. kui3..bkn salah aku ataupun mana2 ibu yang mengandung. Cuma my parents dah pk dah, ending nama aku ader comercial value in IT technologies.. ;p. Don't be jealous. IDA can stands for;
IDA = Issues Deliberation Australia America
2. In Defense of Animals (
3. Initial Drift Australia
4. and ect.
Intelligent Data Application were named after me just like wat my boss was joking. It was just because he need the unique product name instead of IDE (forgot).
The first product was managed by myself is d-IDA. demographic Inteligent Data Application. Using geographical maps as main method to access reports sumarry and whatsoever.
Pe dah aku melalut ni. Mls ar nk citer bout produk. baik aku g wat marketing. muehehee..hopefully dptla duit raya lebih.kui3..
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